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ca  circa (en) = приблизительно (ru)

C.A.  Cooperativa Agricola (es)

CAC  California Avocado Commission (en) (see CAC, California Avocado Commission entry in USA section of COBRAS catalog)

C.A.N.S.O. Cooperativa Agricola Nuestra Señora del Oreto Coop. Valenciana (es) (see C.A.N.S.O., Cooperativa Agricola Nuestra Señora del Oreto Coop. Valenciana in Spain section of COBRAS catalog)

CASI  Coop. Agricola San Isidro (see CASI SCA aka CASI, Cooperativa Agraria y Ganadera San Isidro S.C.A. entry in Spain section of COBRAS catalog) 

CC or cc  Close Corporatin (en) = BK, Beslote Korporasie (afrikaans)  (a close corporation (or CC) is a type of South African legal entity which was usually chosen for smaller businesses. Under the new Companies Act of 2008, close corporations can no longer be registered and they will be phased out over time) (web-source of citation) (see also e.g. Jo-Rie Products cc entry in South Africa section of COBRAS catalog)

CCOF  California Certified Organic Farmers (see CCOF Certification Services, LLC entry in USA section of COBRAS catalog)

C/da   Contrada (it) = Str., Street (en) = Ул., Улица (ru)

CDC  Cameroon Development Corporation (see CDC, Cameroon Development Corporation entry in Cameroon section of COBRAS catalog)

CEDEX (or Cedex or cedexCourrier d'Entreprise à Distribution EXceptionnelle (fr) (a system designed for recipients of large volumes of mail in France (en); система, предназначенная для отправки и получения почтовых отправлений большого объема (во Франции). Способ рассылки корреспонденции предприятий (ru

CEO  Chief Executive Officer (the chief executive officer - CEO - is the highest-ranking person in a company)

CERAFEL  Comité Economique Agricole Régional Fruits et Legumes (fr) (see CERAFEL)

CHASA  Central Hortofruticola D'Almacelles SA   (see CHASA, Central Hortofruticola D’Almacelles, S.A. aka Grupa CHASA entry in Spain section of COBRAS catalog)

C.I.  Comercializacion Internacional (es) (acronym stands for "international commercial trade" or “international marketing” meaning that the company has special tax incentives for exports and operations)

Cia. Companhia (pt) (abbr. for companhia, I.e. company in Portuguese: [company name] & Cia. Ltda.) = Co., Company (en) = Cia or CIA, Compañía (es) = Sp., Spółka (pl) = Ко., Компания (ru)

Cia. Ltda. (or rarely used Lda) Companhia Limitada (pt) = PLC, Public Limited Company (en)

CIO Consorzio Interregionale Ortofrutticolo (it)

C.I.V.  Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti (it)

CJSC Closed Joint-Stock Company (en) = Sociedad Anónima Cerrada (es) = SAC, Società per Azioni Chiusa (it) = ЗАО, Закрытое акционерное общество (ru)

CMF Cairo Moscow Future (see CMF, Cairo Moscow Future entry in Egypt section of COBRAS catalog)

c/o  care of (at the address of: written on envelopes; usual abbreviation: c/o) (en) = через; по адресу (сокр. c/o) (ru)

COB CCOF  Certified Organic By California Certified Organic Farmers (see CCOF Certification Services, LLC entry in USA section of COBRAS catalog)

COG Chronione Oznaczenie Geograficzne (pl) = GgA, Geschützte geographische Angabe (de) = PGI, Protected Geographical Indication (en) = IGP, Indicazione Geografica Protetta (it) = IGP, Indication Géographique Protégée (fr) = НМПТ, Наименование Места Происхождения Товара (ru) = (guarantee of origin for foods produced in specific areas; защищенное обозначение происхождения - это название типа географического указания Европейского Союза и Соединенного Королевства, направленное на сохранение обозначений происхождения пищевых продуктов; Wikipedia)

COOP  Cooperative (en) = Genossenschaften (de) = Cooperativa (es) = Coopérative (fr) = Cooperativo (it) = Кооператив (ru) = Кооператив (ua)

COOPABAN  Cooperativa Palmitalense dos Bananicultores (see COOPABAN, Cooperativa Palmitalense dos Bananicultores in Brazil section of COBRAS catalog)

CP  código postal (es) = postal code (en) = почтовый индекс (ru)

CPF  Consorcio de Productores de Fruta (es) = Consortium of Fruit Producers (en) (see CPF, Consorcio de Productores de Fruta S.A. in Peru section of COBRAS catalog)

CPG Consumer Packaged Goods (en) = FMCG, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (en) (CPG, Consumer Packaged Goods or FMCG, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods are products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost)

CRDOP Consejo Regulador de la Denominacion de Origen Protegida (es) = Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin (en) (see Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro in Spain section of COBRAS catalog)

Crl. or CRL or C.R.L. Cooperativa de Responsabilidade Limitada (pt) = Limited Liability Cooperative (en) (see AgroMarienseCoop - Coop. Produtores Agro Pecuários Ilha Sta Maria, Crl. entry in Portugal section of COBRAS catalog)

СТМ Собственная Торговая Марка (ru) = PL, Private Label (en)

CV(1)  Capital Variable (es, mx)

CV(2)  Coöperatieve vennootschap (nl) = Cooperative Society (en)

CVBA  Coöperatieve Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid (dk, Dutch) = Co-operative Limited Liability Company (en) = Кооперативная компания с ограниченной ответственностью (ru) (see BFV, Belgische Fruitveiling CVBA entry in Belgium section of COBRAS catalog)


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