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Fruit companies of SLOVENIA.
lavDate: Fr, 20.01.2017, 01:14 | Message # 1
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
lavDate: Fr, 20.01.2017, 01:19 | Message # 2
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
back to COBRAS

RASTODER, d.o.o.
Location: Dvorakova ulica 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Brands: Rastoder (logo); Derby (b/l); Derby (word); Derby (pic);

Re1: citations & brand’s picture from website:
“…RASTODER… …is a company… …recognizable after its popular trademark Derby®…”

Re: The photo presented below clearly proves that Rastoder company is supplier of banana brand "Derby" owned by Coragrofrut Company (Ecuador):


Attachments: 4057856.jpg (62.3 Kb) · 0602318.jpg (22.9 Kb) · 4336665.jpg (21.8 Kb) · 3497940.jpg (213.9 Kb) · 0687487.jpg (12.7 Kb)
lavDate: Fr, 20.01.2017, 01:41 | Message # 3
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Evrosad d.o.o. Krško
Location: Cesta 4. julija 134, 8270 Krško, Slovenia
Brands: Evrosad (logo);

Attachments: 4229812.jpg (12.6 Kb) · 0063554.jpg (17.9 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 23.11.2017, 14:59 | Message # 4
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Location: Dolenjska cesta 242, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Brands: Geaprodukt (logo); GoGeaGo; GoGeaGo (nml); GoGeaEco (n/c);


Re: citation and photos from the company website:
“...We are proud to have our own labels "GoGeaGo" and "GoGeaEco" which stand for packed fruit and vegetables "TO GO"…”


Attachments: 7835462.jpg (25.9 Kb) · 4455375.jpg (22.9 Kb) · 3271564.jpg (25.0 Kb) · 1907921.jpg (103.3 Kb) · 7038224.jpg (30.6 Kb)
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