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Fruit Companies of SPAIN.
lavDate: Mo, 31.07.2017, 23:07 | Message # 16
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Agribur S.L.
Address I: Cami Nou, 5, 12520 Nules, Castellón, Spain
Address II: Carretera Burriana, Segorbe Km 23,5, 12600 Vall D'Uxo, Castellón, Spain
Brands: Agribur (logo); Agribur (n/l); Agribur (word); Candela (n/c); Castang; Cote Nature; Fanny; Gelee Royale (n/c); Melodie (n/c); Nat&Sens (n/c); New Style (n/c); Karisma (n/c); Pour Toi (n/c); Princess;

Re: citations from the company web-site:
"…In the processing and packaging plant all products are made according to the season, under licenses and Agribur’s own brands (Castang, Candela, Melodie, Princess, New Style, Karisma, Pour Toi, Cote Nature, and others ...), in addition to, under our customer’s licenses and brands (Fanny and Nat & Sens), serving orders in their destinations, with the marks of their customers, ready for direct sales…"

Re: brands represented on the company website:


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lavDate: Su, 20.08.2017, 23:27 | Message # 17
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Exportaciones Belcaire S.L. aka Hortofruticola Belcaire S.L.
Location: C/ Rambleta, 6, 12520 Nules, Castellón, Spain
Brands: Platinum (n/c); Platinum"P"; Platinum "Star"; Shakespeare (n/c); bel-frut (n/c); fruitsPlatinum (n/c); Monarka (n/c);

Re1: brands which were presented on previous (on date 08.2017) version of the company web-site [] and an illustration of stickers origination as the fragments of trademark "Platinum" image:
Re2: brands of Belcaire company found in international databases of registered trademarks:


Re3: photos of "fruits P latinum" brand found in internet space:

for brand "Shakespeare" see also Shakespeare Fruits S.L. & Ostentation Fruit Export
Attachments: 0248671.jpg (23.1 Kb) · 8540945.jpg (22.6 Kb) · 7405335.jpg (9.8 Kb) · 5153409.jpg (25.2 Kb) · 4211390.jpg (27.2 Kb) · 7388978.jpg (17.4 Kb) · 2348479.jpg (17.9 Kb) · 8159592.jpg (106.4 Kb)
lavDate: Tu, 29.08.2017, 23:37 | Message # 18
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Viyefruit SL
Location: Carretera N-II Km 452.2, E-25180 Alcarràs (Segrià), Spain
Brands: Viyefruit; Paula; Peroty; Zescinca (n/c); Frialbesa; Pomuky;


Re: citation from the company website:
"…our brands PAULA, ZESCINCA, PEROTY…"

… and brands of Viyefruit S.A. presented on the web-resource: []

Attachments: 2908825.jpg (24.0 Kb) · 9386025.jpg (41.1 Kb) · 4335690.jpg (75.4 Kb) · 6987035.jpg (23.7 Kb) · 2734991.jpg (24.3 Kb) · 8766731.jpg (24.0 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 31.08.2017, 20:26 | Message # 19
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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FRUTAS FRANCH S.A.   --->    en liquidacion (probably since 25/03/2010)
Location: Pascual Meneu s/n, 12549, Betxi, Valencia – Castellón, España

Brands: Franch; ADDO (txt, n/c); Addo Franch; Alegria; Solita I; Solita II; Solita Franch;


Re: brands of Frutas Franch S.A. taken from databases of registered trademarks:

Attachments: 8524611.jpg (23.6 Kb) · 2655289.jpg (88.6 Kb) · 0933259.jpg (21.4 Kb) · 3400190.jpg (24.0 Kb) · 7479297.jpg (22.2 Kb) · 1941243.jpg (20.7 Kb) · 9090649.jpg (22.3 Kb) · 1300720.jpg (23.3 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 31.08.2017, 23:47 | Message # 20
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline

AE, Agricultura y Exportación S.A.T. Nº9836-MU aka.Agriexport S.A.T.
Location: Finca Los Triviños, s/n, 30700 Balsicas, Torre-Pacheco, Murcia, España
Brands: AE Anvid (logo); Anvid (n/c); Copro (n/c); Explomad (n/c);

Attachments: 7548188.jpg (21.2 Kb) · 3337957.jpg (24.0 Kb) · 5575440.jpg (75.8 Kb)
lavDate: We, 06.09.2017, 00:15 | Message # 21
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Vicasol Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza (Vicasol SCA)
Location: C/Vicasol n.37, 04738 Puebla de Vicar, Almería, España
Brands: Vicasol I; Vicasol II (n/c); Vicasol III; Vicasol Bio (n/c); Vicasol Delicias (n/c); Vi-Green (n/c); VyP (n/c); Almerisol;


Re: brands of Vicasol SCA which have been found in the biggest world databases of registered trademarks:

Attachments: 6328031.jpg (23.3 Kb) · 8501800.jpg (36.1 Kb) · 9917514.jpg (21.8 Kb) · 9656005.jpg (24.5 Kb) · 2628484.jpg (178.5 Kb)
lavDate: Tu, 26.09.2017, 00:16 | Message # 22
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Location: Mercamadrid, Plataforma baja, nave b3.3, 28053 Madrid, Spain
Brands: Eurobanan (logo); Eurobanan (nml); Isla Bonita I; Isla Bonita II; Coplaca I; Coplaca II; Coplaca Natur; Kiwiberico; Agroorigen; Agroorigen Bio; Pepe Platano (n/c); Fresco Presto (n/c); EuroLim (n/c);



Re: brands represented on the company website:

Attachments: 1167277.jpg (20.9 Kb) · 7238006.jpg (101.7 Kb) · 4807330.jpg (52.6 Kb) · 7979868.jpg (53.6 Kb) · 4898873.jpg (79.8 Kb) · 2913957.jpg (25.4 Kb) · 5063806.jpg (23.7 Kb)
lavDate: Sa, 07.10.2017, 00:41 | Message # 23
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Agrios El Carril S.L.
Location: Carretera Mazarron-Puerto, Km 2, 30870 Mazarron, Murcia, Spain
Brands: Agrios ElCarril (logo w/o txt); Carrisol I (pic); Carrisol II (pic); Lidesa; Picasol;


Re: photos from the company website:

Attachments: 8127125.jpg (24.5 Kb) · 2386147.jpg (24.4 Kb) · 9311100.jpg (24.3 Kb) · 2336873.jpg (21.9 Kb) · 9719662.jpg (24.3 Kb) · 9123015.jpg (22.8 Kb) · 9981125.jpg (173.0 Kb)
lavDate: We, 01.11.2017, 15:16 | Message # 24
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Quid Pro Quo Fruits, S.L.
Location: Avda. República De Malta, 3, Bajo 7, 46760 Tavernes de la Valldigna, Valencia, Spain
 Quid Pro Quo Fruits (logo, n/c); Perfect Nature; Perfect (pic); Pure & Perfect; Perfect (nml);


Re: brands presented on the company website:

Attachments: 1646111.jpg (25.5 Kb) · 2258989.jpg (25.6 Kb) · 6850919.jpg (24.7 Kb) · 3422272.jpg (24.8 Kb) · 5061618.jpg (53.0 Kb) · 0908087.jpg (133.1 Kb) · 2971384.jpg (24.0 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 16.11.2017, 01:26 | Message # 25
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Frutas Inma S.L.
Location: Carrer de L'Olivera, s/n.46291, Benimodo, Valencia, España
Web: []
Brands: INMA; Ayelo; Fruit Plus; Kaki Fresh (n/c);

Re: brands represented in the company website:

Attachments: 2417582.jpg (24.8 Kb) · 5062695.jpg (24.5 Kb) · 7629085.jpg (104.8 Kb) · 9866600.jpg (25.2 Kb) · 9910462.jpg (15.5 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 16.11.2017, 23:59 | Message # 26
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Acrena SAT
Location: Rambla Bernal 6, 04710 El Ejido, Spain
Brands: Acrena; Mavi;

Re: citation from the company website:
"…Products harvested by farmers in Acrena are marketed under its own label. The ACRENA and MAVI brands are a guarantee of quality for thousands of consumers…"

Attachments: 7436010.jpg (20.8 Kb) · 1256727.jpg (33.7 Kb) · 1652996.jpg (26.3 Kb) · 6141854.jpg (23.1 Kb)
lavDate: Fr, 17.11.2017, 02:04 | Message # 27
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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ANBERNAH, Antonio Berna e Hijos, S.L.
Location: Avda. de Los Pinos, 5, 03670 - Monforte del Cid, Alicante, Spain
Brands: Anberna; Agrober (n/c); Berna (n/c); Frutiber (n/c); Mami (n/c); Toison (n/c); Vinalopo;


Re: brands presented on the company website:

Attachments: 6152116.jpg (59.9 Kb) · 4258810.jpg (93.4 Kb) · 2555621.jpg (92.1 Kb) · 2304899.jpg (24.0 Kb)
lavDate: Fr, 01.12.2017, 23:21 | Message # 28
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Location: Calle Valencia, 42 – Apdo. Correos 11, 46610 Guadassuar, Valencia, Spain
Brands: Soldat; Boomerang; Maxim;

Re: brands found in databases of trademarks:

Attachments: 2016333.jpg (28.0 Kb) · 6032529.jpg (23.3 Kb) · 5418446.jpg (26.0 Kb) · 6726842.jpg (48.1 Kb) · 8685625.jpg (24.7 Kb)
lavDate: Fr, 01.12.2017, 23:45 | Message # 29
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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        <----- old logo

Cooperativa Citricola San Alfonso de Bechi, Coop. V. aka San Alfonso Coop. V.
Location: Cami Sant Francesc s/n, 12549 Betxi – Castellón, Spain
Brands: San Alfonso màxim sweet FRUITS (n/c); sweet máxim FRUITS (n/c); Maxim; Fruit Gala (pic, n/c); Gala;

Re: brands of San Alfonso coop. registered in world biggest databases of TM:

Attachments: 2638235.jpg (24.8 Kb) · 6937079.jpg (24.5 Kb) · 4500865.jpg (149.7 Kb) · 5575476.jpg (24.8 Kb) · 9198045.jpg (25.2 Kb)
lavDate: Su, 03.12.2017, 00:40 | Message # 30
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Tany Nature S.A.
Location: Camino General nº 1, 06712 Zurbarán (Badajoz), Spain
Brands: Tany Nature; Tany; Tany Sweet; Lila; Castelnovo; Elixir;

Re: brands of Tany Nature S.A. company represented on web-sources:

Attachments: 0532538.jpg (138.8 Kb) · 7486460.jpg (34.7 Kb) · 1745200.jpg (24.8 Kb) · 1044419.jpg (24.0 Kb) · 8299735.jpg (25.3 Kb) · 1852562.jpg (24.0 Kb) · 3483191.jpg (24.3 Kb) · 2581556.jpg (22.4 Kb)

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