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Fruit companies of ITALY.
lavDate: Fr, 26.08.2022, 20:10 | Message # 91
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Valentina la Mela Trentina aka Consorzio Valentina - Mezzacorona sca
Location: 38016 Mezzocorona, Trento (TN), Italy
Brands: Valentina La Mela Trentino (logo); Mela di Campo Approvato da Legambienta;

Re1: citations from web-source:
“…Consorzio Valentina   …I marchi che contraddistinguono la produzione sono principalmente Valentina, la mela trentina, e Meladi Campo, la prima che ha aderito alla campagna Legambiente per l'Agricoltura Italiana di Qualità…”
“…Consorzio Valentina   …The brands that distinguish the production are mainly Valentina, la mela trentina, and Mela di Campo, the first to join the Legambiente campaign for Italian Quality Agriculture…”
Re2: for mark "Legambiente Per l'Agricoltura Italiana di Qualita" (LAIQ) see Legambiente Onlus  entry in Italy section of COBRAS  catalog.
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lavDate: Mo, 29.08.2022, 20:45 | Message # 92
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Società Agricola Cooperativa Lagnasco Group S. C. a r.l and Lagnasco Frutta
Location: 12030 Lagnasco, Cuneo (CN), Italy
Brands: Lagnasco Group (logo); Lagnasco Frutta (logo); Epli (logo); Billa Epli (logo, word);


Re: the brand Epli represented on web-resources of the Lagnasco company:

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lavDate: Tu, 30.08.2022, 23:16 | Message # 93
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Azienda Agricola F.lli Calevi Alberto e Stefano S.S. Società Agricola
Location: 01100 Viterbo (VT), Italy
Brands: Azienda Agricola F.lli Calevi (logo);

Attachments: 0139436.jpg (22.1 Kb) · 9420030.jpg (36.2 Kb)
lavDate: We, 31.08.2022, 00:23 | Message # 94
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Terremerse Soc. Coop.
Location: 48012 Bagnacavallo, Ravenna (RA), Italy
Brands: L’Orto dei Frutti, Legambiente (logo, LAIQ mark);

Re1: for mark "Legambiente Per l'Agricoltura Italiana di Qualita" (LAIQ) see Legambiente Onlus entry in Italy section of COBRAS catalog.
Re2: some translations:
L’Orto dei Frutti (it) = The Fruit Garden (en)= Фруктовый сад (ru)
Attachments: 1142802.png (104.6 Kb) · 1484493.jpg (26.9 Kb)
lavDate: Fr, 02.09.2022, 13:12 | Message # 95
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Scal Frut
Location: 36063 Marostica, Vicenza (VI), Italy
Brands: Scal Frut (logo);

Attachments: 9552092.jpg (74.4 Kb) · 8699980.jpg (27.6 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 15.09.2022, 23:49 | Message # 96
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Colle D’Oro Società Consortile Agricola a R.L
Location: 97014 Ispica, Ragusa (RG), Sicilia, Italy
Brands: Colle D’Oro (logo); Deliziorti; Alleanza Mundial Colle D’Oro;

Re: the brand “Deliziorti” represented on the company web-resources:
“…La linea di verdure Deliziorti nasce presso l’azienda Colle d’Oro. Con sede a Ispica in provincia di Ragusa, Colle d’Oro rappresenta una delle imprese leader nel panorama ortofrutticolo siciliano ed italiano…”

“…The Deliziorti line of vegetables was born at the Colle d’Oro company. Based in Ispica in the province of Ragusa, Colle d’Oro is one of the leading companies in the Sicilian and Italian fruit and vegetable scene…”
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lavDate: Fr, 16.09.2022, 22:13 | Message # 97
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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F.lli L’Amante
Location: 04022, Fondi, Latina (LT), Italy
Brands: F.lli L’Amante (logo); F.lli L’Amante (pic); Papa & L’Amante; Dolce Miele (b/l); Dolce Miele (word, L’Amante logo, fig); Dolce Miele (word, fig); Gusto Dolce; Sitrus;

Re: the brands of F.lli L’Amante represented on the company website:

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lavDate: Tu, 27.09.2022, 23:45 | Message # 98
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Ortofrutticola Romano Umberto & Figli S.A.S.      <=====   logo not found
Location: 87067 Rossana, Cosenza (CS), reg. Calabria, Italy
Brands: Romano Umberto & Figli;

Attachments: 7027688.jpg (26.1 Kb)
lavDate: Sa, 22.10.2022, 23:59 | Message # 99
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Preti Agricoltura
Location: Gavello, 44012 Bondeno, Ferarra (FE), Italy
Brands: Francesco Preti; Preti;

Re: photos from facebook profile of Preti Agricoltura company:

Attachments: 9320234.jpg (85.7 Kb) · 0493557.jpg (130.0 Kb) · 3894986.jpg (63.5 Kb) · 4881369.jpg (69.7 Kb) · 9452795.jpg (22.0 Kb)
lavDate: Su, 23.10.2022, 22:02 | Message # 100
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Azienda Agricola Cà De Preti
Location: 46019 Viadana, Mantua (MN), Italy
Brands: Fiordicocomero; Fiordimelone; Fiordizucca;

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lavDate: Su, 23.10.2022, 23:57 | Message # 101
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Consorzio Melone Mantovano
Location: 46028 Sermide e Felonica, Mantua (MN), Italy
Brands: Melone Mantovano I.G;P. (logo);

Attachments: 8470482.jpg (34.7 Kb) · 5767465.jpg (22.2 Kb)
lavDate: Tu, 25.10.2022, 02:32 | Message # 102
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Asprofrut aka Piemonte Asprofrut S.C.C. Agricola p.a.
Location: 12030 Lagnasco, Cuneo (CN), Italy
Brands: Asprofrut (logo); Bio Asprofrut (n/c); Mela Rossa Cuneo IGP (b/l);

Re: the brands of Asprofrut represented on the company website:

Attachments: 3163539.jpg (27.6 Kb) · 3087409.jpg (48.2 Kb) · 7265690.jpg (12.7 Kb) · 2495144.jpg (20.5 Kb)
lavDate: Tu, 08.11.2022, 00:36 | Message # 103
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Azienda Agricola Il Casone
Location: 40030 Grizzana Morandi, Bologna (BO), Italy
 Azienda Agricola Il Casone CSQA (pic); Azienda Agricola Il Casone Frutto numero (pic);

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lavDate: Tu, 21.03.2023, 23:57 | Message # 104
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Dal Bello SIFE srl
Location: Padua (PD) 35127, Italy
Brands: Dal Bello SIFE Lola (logo, b/l, crt);

Re: the brands represented on the company website:

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lavDate: Su, 02.04.2023, 19:36 | Message # 105
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2856
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Vantini F.lli, Azienda Agricola aka Az. Agr. Vantini F.lli, SAS
Location: Verona (VR) 37139, Italy
Brands: Vantini (logo II); Kiwi Prestige; Kiwi Vantini;

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