Fruit companies of ITALY.
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lav | Date: Fr, 21.06.2024, 00:43 | Message # 136 |
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Golden Fruit s.r.l. aka Societa Agricola Golden Fruit s.r.l. Location: Via Giulio Cesare, 3 93012 Gela, Caltanisseta (CL), Sicily, Italy Web: [] Brands: Golden Fruit (word, pic, url); Melone di Sicilia; Melone giallo di Paceco;
 . . . Re: photo from website of Golden Fruit s.r.l.: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 21.06.2024, 13:43 | Message # 137 |
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Albachiara Fruit s.r.l. Location: Via della Libertà 58, Palermo, Palermo (PA), Sicily, Italy Web: [] Brands: Albachiara Fruit (logo, pic);
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lav | Date: We, 07.08.2024, 23:59 | Message # 138 |
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Fruitbona - Nava S.R.L. Location: Via Giovanni Falcone 8/B, Rutigliano, Bari (Ba), Italy Web: [] Brands: Fruit Bona Hallac (f/w, logos);

. . . Re1: citation from company website: . “…Fruitbona is a Nava s.r.l brand…” . Re2: citations from Wikipedia: . “…Bona Sforza d'Aragona (2 February 1494 – 19 November 1557) was Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania as the second wife of Sigismund I the Old, and Duchess of Bari and Rossano by her own right. She was a surviving member of the powerful House of Sforza, which had ruled the Duchy of Milan since 1447…” . “…Queen Bona was known for her great love for gardening, who in 1545 received a large tract of land in the present Grójec district [in Poland], which she allocated to the royal plantation of fruit trees…” .
Re3: a portrait of a young Bona Sforza, which can be found on the internet ( see e.g. here), which is the prototype of the images on fruit labels .  . Re4: the same portrait of the young Bona Sforza is reproduced on the labels of the Polish fruit company Jabłka Grójeckie ( see the entry Jabłka Grójeckie in the Poland section of COBRAS catalog) . Re5: the reasons for the appearance of the details and logos of the Italian company Fruitbona and the Turkish company Hallac Citrus Packing & Foreign Trade Inc. together on the same label have not yet been clarified… . for the sake of interest see also entries Hallac Citrus Packing & Foreign Trade Inc. Turkey - Discover the Potential in Turkey section of COBRAS catalog .
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lav | Date: Sa, 24.08.2024, 21:44 | Message # 139 |
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O.P. EcoFarm s.r.l. Location: Viale dellaRegione, 232, Caltanisseta (CL) 93100, Sicily Web: [] Brand: Ecofarm (logo);
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lav | Date: Fr, 06.09.2024, 14:21 | Message # 140 |
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Azienda Agricola Bertello Mario <=== logo not found Location: Cascina Giumiengo 14, Carignano, Torino (TO) 10041, Piemonte, Italy Web: - <=== website not found [] <=== source of info about company Brands: Az. Agricola Bertello Mario (pic);
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lav | Date: Sa, 07.09.2024, 19:34 | Message # 141 |
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VI.P coop. soc. Agricola aka VI.P Verband der Vinschgauer Genossenschaften für Obst und Gemüse GmbH Location: Via Centrale 1/c, 39021 Laces, South Tyrol (BZ), Italy Haupstraße 1/C, 39021 Latsch, Südtirol, Italy Web: [] [] []
. . . Re1: there are very many varieties and many series of stickers with “Val Venosta” brand and there is the web-source of info with the most detailed description of all existing series of brand “Val Venosta” stickers: []. In my opinion, it is simply impossible to give a more detailed description, and I recommend visiting the site [] at the link provided if you are interested in this brand . Re2: some translations: Val Venosta (it) <===> Vinschgau (de) Alto Adige (it)= Südtirol (de) = South Tyrol (en) .
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lav | Date: Mo, 09.09.2024, 18:28 | Message # 142 |
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FENO Scarl aka Feno GmbH Location: Via degli Artigiani Sud 1, Egna, South Tyrol (BZ) 39044, Italy Web: [] [] [] Brands: Tessa Sweet Explosion (b/l); Evelina(b/l);
 . . . Re1: citations from the website of FENO company: .
“…Feno GmbH was founded back in 1999 by five ambitious nurserymen… …The name is a German acronym for Promoting and Developing New Varieties of Fruit [in German Förderung und Entwicklung neuer Obstsorten]... ...The founding of Feno was a response to the need... ...of [creation]the rules and regulations governing [of activity] tree nurseries... the area of variety and trademark protection.…” . Re2: info about the brands "Tessa" & “Evelina”, compiled from the website(s) of the Feno company: .
“…Tessa brand, a name chosen from among numerous variants, for its ease of reading and pronunciation even for potential overseas customers…” . Re3: Comparison of detailes (i.e. identification data) of Feno Scarl and Evelina Srl, taken from their websites, proves the identity of their headquarters: Feno Scarl ( Address: Via degli Artigiani Sud 1, 39044 Egna (BZ), ITALY Tel. +39 0471 81 33 36 Fax: +39 0471 82 15 07 Evelina S.r.l. ( Address: Via degli Artigiani Sud 1, 39044, Egna (BZ) Italy Phone: +39 0471 81 33 36 Fax: +39 0471 82 15 07 . Thus, Evelina Srl is a kind of division of Feno Srl, responsible for promoting the“Evelina” brand . .
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lav | Date: Th, 10.10.2024, 21:13 | Message # 143 |
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Bruno Elio SRL – eliovero Location: Via Sommacampagna 63/D, Verona (VR) 37137, Italy Web: [] [] Brands: Eliovero (logo);
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lav | Date: Mo, 21.10.2024, 23:28 | Message # 144 |
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Ro.Gr.An. srl Location: Via Como 14, 73052 Parabita, Apulia, Italy Web: [] [] Brands: Baby Bear (b/l);
 . . . Re: brand “Baby Bear” represented in the company website: .
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lav | Date: We, 06.11.2024, 10:33 | Message # 145 |
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Azienda Agricola Brondolin Luca and Azienda Agricola Brondolin Società Agricola s.s. Location: Via Carnevale 67/b, 46025 Poggio Rusco, Mantua (MN), Lombardy, Italy Web: [] Brands: Az. Agr. Brondolin & Azienda Agricola Brondolin Luca (pic, url);
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lav | Date: We, 06.11.2024, 23:36 | Message # 146 |
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ALDI Italia S.r.l. Location: Via Cassa di Risparmio n.18, 39100 Bolzano (BZ), Italy Web: [] Brands: Aldi (logo, pic); Bio Natura (b/l);
 . . . Re: brand “Bio Natura” represented in the website of the Aldi Italia company: .
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lav | Date: Su, 17.11.2024, 23:28 | Message # 147 |
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VM Marketing Location: Strada Moiacuto 14/B, Savigliano, Cuneo (CN) 12038, Piedmont, Italy Web: [] Brands: VM Marketing; Tessa;
 . . . Re1: photos from the website of VM Marketing company: .
 . Re2: citations from the essay “TESSA PROJECT” in the website of VM Marketing company: . “Developed by Feno nurseries in recent years, Fengapi is a new variety of Club apple… ...The variety, as mentioned, is Fengapi, the result of crossing the Gala variety with the Cripps Pink from which it takes its name (FEN = Feno, GA = Gala, PI = Pink lady)… …This new variety of club apple will be marketed worldwide under the Tessa brand, a name chosen from among numerous hypotheses, for its ease of reading and pronunciation even for potential overseas customers. The first commercial plants were planted in spring 2018 in Italy, Holland, Germany and Austria…” . See also FENO Scarl aka Feno GmbH entry in Italy section of COBRAS catalog .
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lav | Date: Tu, 19.11.2024, 00:00 | Message # 148 |
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Ital-frutta s.a.c. Location: Via dell'Agricoltura, 451/b, San Felice sul Panaro, Italy Web: [] Brands: Ital-Frutta (logo);
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lav | Date: Tu, 19.11.2024, 01:51 | Message # 149 |
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Apo Conerpo Location: Via Bruno Tosarelli 155, 40055 Villanova di Castenaso, Bologna (BO), Italy Web: [] Brands: Conerpo (logo);
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lav | Date: Sa, 18.01.2025, 20:55 | Message # 150 |
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Azienda Agricola F.lli Tamiazzo aka Tamiazzo Fratelli di Tamiazzo Valerio, Silvano e Ferdinando Location: Via Mantova 6, Dresano, Milano (MI) 20070, Italia Web: - <=== website not found Brands: 3T F.lli Tamiazzo;
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