Fruit companies of AZERBAIJAN.
lav | Date: Su, 28.04.2019, 21:55 | Message # 16 |
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Grant Garden MMC Location: Həsənqala kəndi, Qusar rayonu, Azərbaycan Brands: Grant (logo);
 . . . Re: photo found in Internet web-source: .
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lav | Date: We, 11.09.2019, 16:21 | Message # 17 |
Group: Администраторы
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Damba LLC Location: Baku-Pirallahi highway, Pirallahi district, Gurgan settlement, Baku, AZ1000, Azerbaijan Шоссе Баку-Пираллахи, Пираллахинский р-н, пос. Гюрган, Баку, Азербайджан Brands: Damba (logo) (p-ss);
 . . . Re: on the picture: outcutted fragment of paper-sheet substrate into fruits box (apples in this case). . на рисунке: вырезанный фрагмент бумажно-листовой подложки в ящик с фруктами (в данном случае яблок) .
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lav | Date: Fr, 04.10.2019, 23:57 | Message # 18 |
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Red Valley MMC aka OOO "Red Valley" =====> logo not found Location: Tbilisi av., 49C, AZ 1065, Baku, Azerbaijan Пр. Тбилиси, 49С, AZ 1065, Баку, Азербайджан (taken from fruit box sidewall label) Brands: Shirin Nar; Mina Shirin; Narvill Mina Shirin;
 . . . Re1: citation from short historical review posted on “minashirin” website: . “…Our History The brand "Mina Shirin" is named after Mina Shirin – the youngest daughter of the founder of "Red Valley" LLC Rashad Shirin...” .
 . Re2: photos of “Mina Shirin” brand’s logo image from designer’s website: .
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lav | Date: Sa, 13.06.2020, 23:51 | Message # 19 |
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GILAN FMCG Trade and Distribution Location: Ahmad Rajabli str. 225, Chinar Park Business Centre, Build.4, 4th fl., of.38, Baku, Azerbaijan Brands: Jale (n/c); Bagdan; Chipsim (n/c); Natura (n/c);
 . . . Re1: sence of FMCG abbreviation: . “Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) are products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost”... . Re2: brands of Gilan FMCG company presented on Worldfood Moscow (2019) exhibition: . "…Brands Jale, Bagdan, Chipsim, Natura…" . Re3: brands presented on web-source: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 11.12.2020, 21:37 | Message # 20 |
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<====== old logo
Bine Agro Azerbaijan Produce aka Binə Aqro Azərbaycan Məhsulu Location: Hovsan Dairy Farm, Bina settlement, Baku city, Azerbaijan Brands: Bine Agro (logo);
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lav | Date: Mo, 16.08.2021, 20:22 | Message # 21 |
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Balkhoorma LLC aka Balxurma MMC aka Балхурма ООО Location: Katex kəndi, Balakən rayonu, Azerbaijan Brands: Balkhoorma (logo);
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lav | Date: We, 22.12.2021, 23:37 | Message # 22 |
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Azagro Holding LLC Location: Caspian Sport Hotel & Plaza, Heydar Aliyev st., 187B, Baku, Azerbaijan Brands: Azagro (logo);
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lav | Date: Sa, 25.12.2021, 00:07 | Message # 23 |
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 Agrarco LLC Location: 153 Neftchilar ave., Port Baku Towers, AZ1005 Baku, Azerbaijan Brands: Aqrovest (b/l);
 . . . Re1: citations from the Agrarco company website & from exhibitor’s profile on Worldfood (Moscow, 2017) exhibition: . “…All products are exported under the trademark “Aqrovest”. To get more detailed information…, please visit Agrovest website…“ . “…We will present our produce under our trademark 'Aqrovest', which is at the same time subsidiary company of Agrarco LLC for exports…” . Re2: photo from website of Agrarco LLC: .
 . see also Aqrovest LLC in Azerbaijan section of COBRAS catalog .
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lav | Date: Sa, 25.12.2021, 01:26 | Message # 24 |
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Shirin Agro, CJSC aka Ширин Агро, ЗАО Location: Ул. Н.Нариманова, село Ени Хаят, г.Шамкир, Азербайджан St. N.Narimanova, Yeni Hayat village, AZ5700, Shamkir City, Azerbaijan Brands: Shirin Agro;
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lav | Date: Tu, 04.01.2022, 00:45 | Message # 25 |
Group: Администраторы
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GGA, Grow Group Azerbaijan MMC aka Grow Group Azerbaijan LLC Location: A.Ismailov str. 35, Az1025, Baku, Azerbaijan A.Ismayılov küçəsi 35, Bakı, Az1025, Azərbaycan Brands: 4 Сезона … by Grow Group Azerbaijan;
 . . . Re1: citations & photos from the company website:
. “… Grow Group Azerbaijan LLC has expanded scope of its activity and today is divided into several departments specializing in various fields and operating independently… … Baku Greenhouse Complex – Engaged in production of tomatoes and other vegetables…” .  . Re2: abbreviation “БТК” on the sticker probably means “Бакинский Тепличный Комплекс” ( i.e. Baku Greenhouse Complex) .
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lav | Date: Fr, 25.02.2022, 22:23 | Message # 26 |
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Agroland QSC Location: Khazar district, Mardakan settlement, 10/76, Baku, Azerbaijan Brands: Agro Land (logo);
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lav | Date: Th, 03.03.2022, 22:23 | Message # 27 |
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Buta Agro Location: Rashid Behbudov st. 71, Baku city, AZ 1001, Azerbaijan Brands: AZ Tomato (b/l); Ismayilli Tərəvəzləri (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands of Buta Agro company presented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 04.03.2022, 23:41 | Message # 28 |
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Ecoprod Location: Mолочно-Овощной Совхоз, поселок Зира, Абшеронский район, Азербайджан Brands: Ecoprod (logo, nml);
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lav | Date: We, 16.03.2022, 03:14 | Message # 29 |
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Alyans Aqro MMC aka Alliance Agro LLC aka Альянс Агро ООО Location: Azadlig ave. 88, Nasimi district, Baku city, AZ1007, Azerbaijan Brands: A-Alyans;
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lav | Date: Fr, 13.05.2022, 00:53 | Message # 30 |
Group: Администраторы
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ERTagro Location: Meyvəli bazar, Baku, Az 1000, Azerbaijan Brands: Ertagro (logo); Ertagro (fig);
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