Fruit companies of SWITZERLAND
lav | Date: Th, 23.05.2024, 23:33 | Message # 16 |
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MIGROS aka Federation of Migros Cooperatives aka Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund aka Fédérationdes coopératives Migros aka Federazionedelle cooperative Migros Location: (Headquarters) Zürich, Switzerland Web: []
. . . Re: citations from Wikipedia: . “…Migros is Switzerland's largest retail company, its largest supermarket chain and largest employer. It is also one of the forty largest retailers in the world. It is structured in the form of a co-operative federation (the Federation of Migros Co-operatives)…” .
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lav | Date: Tu, 28.01.2025, 10:43 | Message # 17 |
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Kündig W. & Cie AG Location: Stampfenbachstrasse 38, Zürich, Switzerland Web: [] Brands: Taino (pic);
 . . . Re: brand “Taino” of Kündig W. & Cie. AG found in database of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: We, 29.01.2025, 01:55 | Message # 18 |
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Familie Schmid Ober-Grundhof Location: Familie Schmid Ober-Grundhof 1, 6032 Emmen, Switzerland Web: [] Brands: Fam. Schmid Obergrundhof – Suisse Garantie ProCert;
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lav | Date: We, 29.01.2025, 18:12 | Message # 19 |
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 Jucker Farm AG aka Jucker Farmart AG Location: Dorfstrasse 23, CH-8607 Seegräben, Switzerland Web: [] [] ===> redirects to ===> [] .
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lav | Date: We, 29.01.2025, 21:43 | Message # 20 |
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Union Maraîchère de Genève - Côté Jardin Location: 45 route de Base, 1258 Perly, Genève, Switzerland Web: [] [] <=== web-source of info about P. Magnin, Lully Brands: P. Magnin Suisse Garantie ProCert (word, cert);

. . . Re1: citations from website of Union Maraîchère de Genève - Côté Jardin: . “…L’Union Maraîchère de Genève rassemble les producteurs de légumes du canton et en assure la commercialisation. Ses 31 membres travaillent main dans la main pour cultiver plus de 100 légumes et petits fruits au fil des saisons…”
“…The Geneva Maraîchère Union brings together the canton's vegetable producers and ensures their marketing. Its 31 members work hand in hand to grow more than 100 vegetables and small fruits throughout the seasons…” . Re2: citations about a producer & appropriate photo from website of Union Maraîchère de Genève: . “,,,Implanté à Lully depuis 1985, Philippe Magnin… …Avec sa serre de production de 5.8 ha, c’estun projet d’une vie que Philippe a concrétisé en 2017…” . “…Established in Lully since 1985, Philippe Magnin… …With his 5.8 ha production greenhouse, it is a lifelong project that Philippe brought to fruition in 2017.…” .
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lav | Date: Th, 30.01.2025, 23:59 | Message # 21 |
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Denner AG Location: 8054 Zürich, Switzerland Web: [] Brands: Denner (logo); Denner Bio (logo); Denner (b/l);

. . . Re: citations of info about Denner Supermarket from Wikipedia: [] .
“…Denner is a discount supermarket chain in Switzerland. It is Switzerland's third-largest supermarket chain after Migros and Coop… It has been owned by the Federation of Migros Cooperatives since 2007…” . see also MIGROS entry in Switzerland section of COBRAS catalog .
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