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Fruit companies of CHILE.
lavDate: Tu, 22.06.2021, 00:56 | Message # 31
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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C&D Internacional S.A. aka CyD Internacional S.A.
Location: Santiago, Chile
Brands: C&D International (logo); C&D; C&D (pic); C&D (fbs); Natural Treasure; Southern King (n/c);

Re1: citation from company’s website:
“…CyD INTERNACIONAL S.A. is a Chilean fresh fruit exporting Company, which is devoted to grow its own fruit. The CyD group is a holding of four growers…”
Re2: brands presented on C&D Internacional company’s website:

Re3: real size of fruit box sticker (i.e. fbs) is 18x9 cm
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lavDate: Th, 12.08.2021, 22:31 | Message # 32
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online

El Parque aka Exportadora y Servicios El Parque SpA
Location: Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Brands: El Parque (logo); El Parque (word);

Attachments: 3636110.jpg (23.0 Kb) · 2061044.jpg (34.7 Kb) · 3071558.jpg (18.0 Kb) · 7518460.jpg (24.4 Kb)
lavDate: Tu, 07.12.2021, 18:15 | Message # 33
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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More Fruits Ltda                      <=========    logo not found
Location: Calle Estoril 50, Piso 7 Dpto, 713 Rm, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Web: -        website not found
Brands: More Fruits (logo);

Attachments: 3612409.jpg (17.2 Kb)
lavDate: We, 08.12.2021, 00:07 | Message # 34
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Gedesa Exportaciones S.A.             <========     logo not found
Location: Santiago, Chile
Brands: Gedesa (logo);

Attachments: 1241625.jpg (18.7 Kb)
lavDate: We, 08.12.2021, 00:34 | Message # 35
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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CHISA, Chilean South Apples S.A.
Location: Km 3 Camino Angol Renaico Angol, IX Región, Chile
Brands: CHISA (logo);

Attachments: 3426606.jpg (14.3 Kb) · 4448952.jpg (11.4 Kb)
lavDate: We, 08.12.2021, 01:39 | Message # 36
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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CCF, Compañía Chilena de la Fruta S.A. aka CCFRUTA
Location: Longitudinal Sur Km. 185, Romeral, Curicó, Chile
Brands: CCF (logo);

Attachments: 6188259.jpg (13.9 Kb) · 7688796.jpg (12.7 Kb)
lavDate: We, 08.12.2021, 01:56 | Message # 37
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Cami Panquehue
Location: Casilla 10, Panquehue, V Región, Chile
Brands: Cami Panquehue (logo);

Attachments: 2736079.jpg (12.5 Kb) · 7462647.jpg (14.2 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 09.12.2021, 00:07 | Message # 38
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Xsur aka Exportadora Del Sur S.A.
Location: Rio Loa 571, Curicó, VII del Maule, Chile
Brands: X sur (logo);

Attachments: 1914628.jpg (25.6 Kb) · 9637842.jpg (19.1 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 09.12.2021, 09:35 | Message # 39
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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A5 Export SpA
Location: Vitacura Rm, Santiago, Chile
Brands: A5 (logo);

Attachments: 9576638.jpg (19.2 Kb) · 4129529.jpg (22.3 Kb)
lavDate: We, 15.12.2021, 19:26 | Message # 40
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Sociedad Exportadora Verfrut S.A.
Location: Parcela 5, Santa Inés, Las Cabras, Chile
Brands: Verfrut (logo);

Attachments: 3178120.jpg (11.9 Kb) · 8099690.jpg (13.3 Kb)
lavabb6243Date: Fr, 28.01.2022, 21:54 | Message # 41
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 13
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
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Cabilfrut S.A.
Location: 160 kms from Valparaiso, dist. Cabildo, province Petorca, Fifth Region, Chile
Brands: Cabilfrut (logo); Cabilfrut Organic (word);

Attachments: 3548462.jpg (27.6 Kb) · 9632793.jpg (25.0 Kb) · 7635510.jpg (24.6 Kb)
lavDate: Mo, 28.02.2022, 23:58 | Message # 42
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Location: Ismael Valdés Vergara 670, Santiago, Chile
Brands: ImporFrut (logo);

Attachments: 4835683.jpg (19.2 Kb) · 7310674.jpg (27.3 Kb)
lavDate: Su, 13.03.2022, 23:31 | Message # 43
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Huertos Montserrat
Location: Camino Las Rastras, Km 3 – Talca, Chile
Brands: Huertos Montserrat (logo); Huertos Montserrat (word);

Attachments: 3923385.jpg (20.7 Kb) · 4916538.jpg (23.3 Kb) · 5403436.jpg (25.4 Kb)
lavDate: Mo, 11.07.2022, 00:39 | Message # 44
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Maxban Ltda (Chile) aka Importadora y Exportadora Maxban Beimart
Location: Ferrari 9149, Lo Espejo, Region Metrpolitana, Santiago, Chile
Brands: Beimart (logo); Beimart (pic);

Re: citations from the website:

“…Somos una empresa joven creada en 2008, lider en la major seleccion de platanos y pinas, embarcadas directamente desde nuestro Centro de Acopio en Ecuador, con un riguroso control de calidad, cumpliendo todas Normas Sanitarias tanto en Ecuador com en Chile…”
“…Nuestro objetivo es poder llevar la major fruta a su mesa y los mejores precios a todos los consumidores en Chile…”

“…We are a young company created in 2008, a leader in the best selection of bananas and pineapples, shipped directly from our Collection Center in Ecuador, with rigorous quality control, complying with all Sanitary Standards both in Ecuador and in Chile…”
“…Our goal is to be able to bring the best fruit to your table and the best prices to all consumers in Chile…”
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lavDate: We, 26.10.2022, 20:59 | Message # 45
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 2966
Reputation: 1
Status: Online
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Brown Group aka Agrícola Brown Ltd.
Location: Calle Larga 2389, Fundo El Guindal, Los Andes, Valparaiso V Region, Chile
Brands: Brown Group;

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