Fruit Companies of SPAIN.
lav | Date: Sa, 07.07.2018, 16:37 | Message # 92 |
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Algaida Productores, S.A.T. Location: C/ Rábida nº54, Poligono Industrial Matalagrana Nave, 56, 21730 Almonte, Huelva, España Brands: Fresmiel Algaida Productores;
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lav | Date: Sa, 07.07.2018, 20:18 | Message # 93 |
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FRUGARPI, SL Location: Pol. Ind. Calle Principal Parcela H-I, 46220 Picassent, Valencia, Spain Brands: Holiday Fruits; Narko;
 . . . Re: brands of Frugarpi company found in international databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Su, 08.07.2018, 23:15 | Message # 94 |
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Frutas E. Sánchez, S.L. Location: Carretera Toledo, Km. 17.200, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, ES 28946, España Brands: Frutas E. Sanchez (logo); Frutas Sanchez E.S (pic); Que Rica; Que Rica Pasion por la fruta (n/c); El Capricho (n/c); El Capricho de cada dia;
 . . . Re: brands of Frutas E. Sanchez company found in international databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Mo, 09.07.2018, 20:42 | Message # 95 |
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FRUTAS SANCHEZ, S.A. <=== logo not found Location: Luis Federico Guirao, 15, Beniajan (Murcia) ES 30570, España Brands: Sanfrusa; Sanfrusa Extra; Spanisun (n/c); Spanisun Extra; Sunshine (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands of Frutas Sanchez company found in different web-sources: . "…Marcas comerciales: SANFRUSA – SPANISUN – SUNSHINE…" .
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lav | Date: We, 11.07.2018, 23:54 | Message # 96 |
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JUAN CALABUIG ALBORCH <------- logo was not found Location: C/ Sant Antoni, 46, Castelló de Rugat ES 46841, España Brands: Benifruit (n/c); Calafrut; Kakfruits (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands found in international databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 13.07.2018, 23:59 | Message # 97 |
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UNICA GROUP SCA aka Unica Group Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Location: Avd. de la Innovación, Nº15. Edificio Pitágoras. Planta 2ª, Áreas C-D Autovía de Mediterráneo, A7, Almería, España Brands: Unica (logo); Unica Bio; Freshquita (b/l I); Freshquita (b/l II); Freshquita Bio; Freshquita mini; Sool Passion (pic);
 . . . Re: brands of Unica Group found in international databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Sa, 14.07.2018, 22:36 | Message # 98 |
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Fruites Boixadós SL Location: Mercabarna Pab. B-2046/2047, Barcelona ES 08040, Spain Brands: Boixados (pic); Boixados (word);
 . . . Re: brand of Fruites Boixados company found in international databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Su, 15.07.2018, 00:39 | Message # 99 |
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Exquisite Fruits SL Location: Plaza del Prado 21, 46702 Gandia (Valencia), Spain Brands: Exquisite Fruits (logo, n/c); Fiesta! (n/c); Kinkaki; KinXaki (n/c); Style by Fruit;
 . . . Re: brands of Exquisite Fruits company found on web-resources of the company: .
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lav | Date: Su, 15.07.2018, 22:39 | Message # 101 |
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Fruites Gines Gon S.L. Location: Calle Sant Jordi, 45-47, Benissanet, Tarragona, ES 43747, Spain Brands: Gines Gon (logo); FGG;
 . . . Re: brand of Fruites Gines Gon company found in international databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Tu, 17.07.2018, 01:45 | Message # 102 |
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Sol y Tierra Campo de Cartagena, S.L. Location: Autovia San Javier-Murcia (Salida San Cayetano), San Cayetano-Murcia, ES 30592, España Brands: Soltir (logo);
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lav | Date: We, 18.07.2018, 14:31 | Message # 103 |
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Fruits Sant Miquel S.L. aka Lozano Jimenez SA Location: Ctra. Seròs s/n, 25181 Soses (Lleida), España Brands: La Coma; La Coma Lozano Jimenez; La Coma (pic); Fruits San Miquel (n/c);
 . . . Re: citation and photo from the company website: "… our product … are distributed under the brands of La Coma and Fruits Sant Miquel … .
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lav | Date: Th, 19.07.2018, 22:56 | Message # 104 |
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Fruits de Ponent Location: Crta. Valmanya, km 1, 25180 Alcarràs (Lleida), Spain Brands: Fruits de Ponent (logo); Fruits de Ponent Grup Cooperatiu; Fruits de Ponent SCCL; Fruits de Ponent (word); Oki (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands & citation from Fruits de Ponent company’s website: .
 . “…OKI es una marca de Fruits de Ponent Grupo Cooperativo…” .
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lav | Date: Mo, 30.07.2018, 01:03 | Message # 105 |
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Federico Cuñat S.L. Location: Calle Párroco Berenguer, 11, 46727Real de Gandía, Valencia, España Brands: Cuñat; Atencion;
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