Mo, 17.02.2025, 01:04
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Fruit Companies of SPAIN.
lavDate: Mo, 22.04.2024, 21:13 | Message # 301
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
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Agromeli Fruit Company SL
Location: C/ Constitucion 53, Rojales, 03170 Alicante, España
Web: -     website not found
Brands: Agromeli (logo);

Re: according to available internet info, company was existed short time since 2019 until 2022 and was dissoluted voluntary
Attachments: 5320835.jpg (12.2 Kb) · 4327573.jpg (38.3 Kb)
lavDate: Sa, 27.04.2024, 15:20 | Message # 302
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Frutas Miralsot S.L.
Location: Ctra. Sariñena, km 3, Fraga, Spain
Web: []      <==  website is inavailable for unknown reasons
Brands: Frutas Miralsot;

Re: photo from web-source of info:

Attachments: 5872641.jpg (13.6 Kb) · 8318545.jpg (15.2 Kb) · 2299002.jpg (75.7 Kb)
lavDate: Th, 16.05.2024, 00:39 | Message # 303
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Mercajara, S.L.
Location: Calle carril de Don Felipe, Villanuevade la Jara, 16230, Cuenca, España
Web: []
Brands: Mercajara (logo);

Attachments: 9324629.jpg (26.9 Kb) · 7924608.jpg (56.4 Kb)
lavDate: Sa, 01.06.2024, 22:22 | Message # 304
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Ayuso & Murillo AM, S.L. aka Ayuso y Murillo
Location: Calle Isaac Peral, 21, 14270 Hinojosa del Duque, Córdoba, España
Web: []
Brands: Ayuso & Murillo AM (logo); Frutas Am (b/l);

Attachments: 1290403.jpg (68.9 Kb) · 1776430.jpg (22.5 Kb) · 1538801.jpg (26.9 Kb)
lavDate: Su, 30.06.2024, 23:49 | Message # 305
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Ecopark Nijar SAT
Location: Carretera San Isidro/ Campillo de Genivar s/n, ElViso-Nijar, Almeria, Andalucia, Spain
Web: []  <==  website is down
Brands: Ecopark (logo);

Re1: citation from web-source of info (name, logo, address, website) about Ecopark Nijar company:

. “…Address: Carretera San Isidro/ Campillo de Genivar s/n, El Viso-Nijar, Almeria, Andalucia, Spain
… .www: []..."
Re2: citation from article (published by Alicia Lozano in 19/04/2017) describing some detailes absorbtion of Ecopark Nijar by Las Hortichuelas company:
“…La SAT Las Hortichuelas absorbe la sociedad Ecopark Níjar
…La firma comercializa sus productos (tomate, pimiento, berenjena, melón y pepino) en los mercados nacionales e internacionales con tres marcas de referencia: Las Hortichuelas, Sabaya y Star Crop
…La Sociedad Agraria de Transformación (SAT) Las Hortichuelas y la SAT Ecopark Níjar acordaron en sus asambleas generales celebradas el pasado 23 de marzo su fusión mediante la absorción por parte de Las Hortichuelas de Ecopark, que quedará disuelta. Tal y como se anuncia en el Boletín Oficial del Registro Mercantil, Ecopark no entrará en liquidación, traspasando su patrimonio a la sociedad absorbente que asumirá los derechos y obligaciones de la sociedad disuelta…”

“…SAT Las Hortichuelas absorbs the company Ecopark Níjar
…The company sells its products (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melons and cucumbers) in national and international markets with three reference brands: Las Hortichuelas, Sabaya and Star Crop
…The Agricultural Processing Society (SAT) Las Hortichuelas and the SAT Ecopark Níjar agreed in their general assemblies held on March 23 to merge through the absorption by Las Hortichuelas of Ecopark, which will be dissolved. As announced in the Official Gazette of the Commercial Registry, Ecopark will not enter into liquidation, transferring its assets to the acquiring company, which will assume the rights and obligations of the dissolved company…”

“…SAT Las Hortichuelas поглощает компанию Ecopark Níjar

…Фирма продает свою продукцию (помидоры, перец, баклажаны, дыни и огурцы) на национальных и международных рынках под тремя базовыми брендами: Las Hortichuelas, Sabaya и Star Crop
…Общество по переработке сельхозпродукции (SAT) Las Hortichuelas и SAT Ecopark Níjar на своих общих собраниях, состоявшихся 23 марта, договорились о слиянии путем поглощения компанией Las Hortichuelas компании Ecopark, которая  будет распущена. Как объявлено в Официальном бюллетене коммерческого реестра, при этом компания Ecopark не будет ликвидирована, поскольку передаст свои активы поглощающей компании, которая примет на себя права и обязанности распущенной компании...”
Attachments: 5516827.jpg (28.8 Kb) · 8203838.jpg (75.1 Kb)
lavDate: Mo, 01.07.2024, 22:41 | Message # 306
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Hortofruticola Mabe S.A.T.
Location: Paraje Loma del Boque, 120, 04716 Las Norias de Daza, Almería, España
Web: []
Brands: Mabe (logo); Mabe (logo, fig);

Re: brands of Hortofruticola Mabe represented in the company’s website

Attachments: 2773697.jpg (24.2 Kb) · 1771200.jpg (60.7 Kb) · 4179291.jpg (82.6 Kb) · 1838352.jpg (88.1 Kb)
lavDate: Su, 06.10.2024, 22:42 | Message # 307
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Pimar Fresh S.A.T.
Location: Saladar y Leche s/n, 04114 Campohermoso, Nijar, Almería, España
Web: []
[]    <===  website is down
Brands: Pimar Fresh (pic);

Attachments: 5878887.jpg (47.8 Kb) · 3564365.jpg (53.4 Kb)
lavDate: Mo, 07.10.2024, 17:10 | Message # 308
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Frutas Pison
Location: C/ Tanerías s/n, 26143 Murillo de Río Leza (La Rioja), España
Web: []
Brands: Pison; Rincon de Soto DOP;

Re1: citations & photos from the website with brands labels of Frutas Pison company:

”… Pisón, nuestra marca… …En el año 2010 dimos un paso importante para nuestra marca al adherirnos a la DOP Rincón de Soto… …Nos podrás encontrar [en tu tienda de confianza] como Pisóno con la etiqueta de Rincón de Soto…”
“… Pisón, our brand… …In 2010 we took an important step for our brand by joining the Rincón de Soto DOP… …You can find us [in your local store] as Pisón or with the Rincón de Soto label…”
Re2: “…Rincón de Soto is a village in the province and autonomous community of La Rioja, Spain…”(Wikipedia)

Re3: info about DOP, Denominacion de Origen Protegida (es) = PDO, Protected Denomination of Origin (en) (The protected designation of origin (PDO or DOP) is a type of geographical indication of the European Union aimed at preserving the designations of origin of food-related products. Wikipedia)
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lavDate: Tu, 08.10.2024, 22:41 | Message # 309
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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FRUTAS RADA, S.A.       <===   logo not found
Location: Avda Moli de Vent, 7, 46530 Puçol (Puzol), Valencia, Spain
Web: -                                     <===   website not found
Brands: Frutas Rada (fig); Rada (word); Frutas Rumba (pic); Frutas Rumba (word); Frutas Rumba (fig); Frutas Rumba Mellissimo; Rumba; Gesundy: Trenzas;



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lavDate: Tu, 08.10.2024, 23:58 | Message # 310
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Frutas Sol
Location: Monte Faquiña 110 36416 Mos, Pontevedra, España
Web: []
Brands: Frutas SOL (pic);

Attachments: 2234898.jpg (28.7 Kb) · 3242022.jpg (39.6 Kb)
lavDate: Fr, 08.11.2024, 23:29 | Message # 311
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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AM Fresh Group
Location: Spain
Web: []
Brands: Alizza (b/l, n/c); Amazzing (b/l. n/c); Amazzing ZZ; Banzzai (b/l, url); Loco (n/c);

Re: brands represented in the website of AM Fresh Group:

Attachments: 1616294.jpg (13.6 Kb) · 0204504.jpg (16.9 Kb) · 1286858.jpg (58.9 Kb) · 3600057.jpg (32.8 Kb)
lavDate: Sa, 09.11.2024, 23:59 | Message # 312
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Las Hortichuelas SAT
Location: Pasaje Barrio Ojeda, S/N, 04720 El Parador delas Hortichuelas, Almería, Spain
Web: []
Brands: Las Hortichuelas (logo); Las Hortichuelas (pic); Sabaya; Sabaya (fig); Star Crop;

Re1: brands of Las Hortichuelas SAT represented on the company website:

Re2: citation from article containing info about absorbtion of Ecopark Nijar company by Las Hortichuelas company:
“…La SAT Las Hortichuelas absorbe la sociedad Ecopark Níjar… …La firma comercializa sus productos (tomate, pimiento, berenjena, melón y pepino) en los mercados nacionales e internacionales con tres marcas de referencia: Las Hortichuelas, Sabayay Star Crop…”
.“…SAT Las Hortichuelas absorbs the company Ecopark Níjar… …The company sells its products (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, melons and cucumbers) in national and international markets with three reference brands: Las Hortichuelas, Sabaya and Star Crop…"
Re3: see also Ecopark Nijar SAT entry in Spain section of COBRAS catalog
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lavDate: Su, 10.11.2024, 23:20 | Message # 313
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Masegosa Frutas S.L.
Location: Ctra. Daimiel, 84, 13260 Bolaños de Calatrava, (Ciudad Real), España
Web: []
[]   <===  website is down
Brands: Masefrut (pic, url);

Attachments: 0408540.jpg (62.4 Kb) · 4704547.jpg (94.1 Kb)
lavDate: Mo, 11.11.2024, 23:57 | Message # 314
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Cricket - Campo de Lorca S.C.L. aka Campo de Lorca, S.Coop. Ltda. OPFH Nº 818
Location: Cmno. Los Liforos, s/n, 30815 Dip Tercia, Lorca, Murcia, España
Web: []     ===>   redirects to   ===>   []
[]                          ===>   redirects to   ===>   []
Brands: Cricket (logo);
Attachments: 1052164.jpg (14.4 Kb) · 6577736.jpg (27.4 Kb)
lavDate: We, 13.11.2024, 02:14 | Message # 315
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3027
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
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Hermanos Vazquez S.A.
Location: Gran Via Comte d’Albalat 28, Albalat dels Sorells, Valencia, España
Web: []
Brands: Der Flieger (logo); Der Flieger Bergware (fig, logo); Der Flieger Bergware (fig, pic); El Cuatrimotor (logo); Cuatrimotor (logo, fig); Cuatrimotor (pic);


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