Fruit Companies of SPAIN.
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lav | Date: Mo, 31.07.2017, 23:07 | Message # 16 |
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Agribur S.L. Address I: Cami Nou, 5, 12520 Nules, Castellón, Spain Address II: Carretera Burriana, Segorbe Km 23,5, 12600 Vall D'Uxo, Castellón, Spain Brands: Agribur (logo); Agribur (n/l); Agribur (word); Candela (n/c); Castang; Cote Nature; Fanny; Gelee Royale (n/c); Melodie (n/c); Nat&Sens (n/c); New Style (n/c); Karisma (n/c); Pour Toi (n/c); Princess;
 . . . Re: citations from the company web-site: "…In the processing and packaging plant all products are made according to the season, under licenses and Agribur’s own brands ( Castang, Candela, Melodie, Princess, New Style, Karisma, Pour Toi, Cote Nature, and others ...), in addition to, under our customer’s licenses and brands ( Fanny and Nat & Sens), serving orders in their destinations, with the marks of their customers, ready for direct sales…" .Re: brands represented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Tu, 29.08.2017, 23:37 | Message # 18 |
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3024
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Viyefruit SL Location: Carretera N-II Km 452.2, E-25180 Alcarràs (Segrià), Spain Brands: Viyefruit; Paula; Peroty; Zescinca (n/c); Frialbesa; Pomuky;
 . . . Re: citation from the company website: "…our brands PAULA, ZESCINCA, PEROTY…"
 . … and brands of Viyefruit S.A. presented on the web-resource: []
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lav | Date: Th, 31.08.2017, 23:47 | Message # 20 |
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3024
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AE, Agricultura y Exportación S.A.T. Nº9836-MU aka.Agriexport S.A.T. Location: Finca Los Triviños, s/n, 30700 Balsicas, Torre-Pacheco, Murcia, España Brands: AE Anvid (logo); Anvid (n/c); Copro (n/c); Explomad (n/c);
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lav | Date: We, 06.09.2017, 00:15 | Message # 21 |
Group: Администраторы
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Vicasol Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza (Vicasol SCA) Location: C/Vicasol n.37, 04738 Puebla de Vicar, Almería, España Brands: Vicasol I; Vicasol II (n/c); Vicasol III; Vicasol Bio (n/c); Vicasol Delicias (n/c); Vi-Green (n/c); VyP (n/c); Almerisol;
 . . . Re: brands of Vicasol SCA which have been found in the biggest world databases of registered trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Tu, 26.09.2017, 00:16 | Message # 22 |
Group: Администраторы
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 ArcEurobanan Location: Mercamadrid, Plataforma baja, nave b3.3, 28053 Madrid, Spain
Brands: Eurobanan (logo); Eurobanan (nml); Isla Bonita I; Isla Bonita II; Coplaca I; Coplaca II; Coplaca Natur; Kiwiberico; Agroorigen; Agroorigen Bio; Pepe Platano (n/c); Fresco Presto (n/c); EuroLim (n/c);

. . . Re: brands represented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Th, 16.11.2017, 01:26 | Message # 25 |
Group: Администраторы
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Frutas Inma S.L. Location: Carrer de L'Olivera, s/n.46291, Benimodo, Valencia, España Web: [] Brands: INMA; Ayelo; Fruit Plus; Kaki Fresh (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands represented in the company website: .
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lav | Date: Th, 16.11.2017, 23:59 | Message # 26 |
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3024
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Acrena SAT Location: Rambla Bernal 6, 04710 El Ejido, Spain Brands: Acrena; Mavi;
 . . . Re: citation from the company website: "…Products harvested by farmers in Acrena are marketed under its own label. The ACRENA and MAVI brands are a guarantee of quality for thousands of consumers…" .
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lav | Date: Fr, 17.11.2017, 02:04 | Message # 27 |
Group: Администраторы
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ANBERNAH, Antonio Berna e Hijos, S.L. Location: Avda. de Los Pinos, 5, 03670 - Monforte del Cid, Alicante, Spain Brands: Anbernah; Agrober (n/c); Berna (n/c); Frutiber (n/c); Mami (n/c); Toison (n/c); Vinalopo;
 . . . Re: brands presented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 01.12.2017, 23:21 | Message # 28 |
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3024
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SOLDAT EXPORT, S.L. Location: Calle Valencia, 42 – Apdo. Correos 11, 46610 Guadassuar, Valencia, Spain Brands: Soldat; Boomerang; Maxim;
 . . . Re: brands found in databases of trademarks: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 01.12.2017, 23:45 | Message # 29 |
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 3024
Status: Offline
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<----- old logo
Cooperativa Citricola San Alfonso de Bechi, Coop. V. aka San Alfonso Coop. V. Location: Cami Sant Francesc s/n, 12549 Betxi – Castellón, Spain Brands: San Alfonso màxim sweet FRUITS (n/c); sweet máxim FRUITS (n/c); Maxim; Fruit Gala (pic, n/c); Gala;
 . . . Re: brands of San Alfonso coop. registered in world biggest databases of TM: .
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