Fruit Companies of SPAIN.
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lav | Date: Th, 11.06.2020, 23:42 | Message # 196 |
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Agro-Rincón, S.L. Location: Calle El Jardín, 120, 38419 Los Realejos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands), España Brands: Agro Rincon (logo);
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lav | Date: Mo, 15.06.2020, 00:24 | Message # 197 |
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HNG, Hortofrutícola Naranjales del Guadalquivir, S. Coop. And. Location: Ctra. A-436, km. 5, 41320 Cantillana (Sevilla), España Brands: Hng (pic); hng (word); Sibila;
 . . . Re: brands presented on the company webside: .
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lav | Date: Fr, 24.07.2020, 20:41 | Message # 198 |
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G’s España S.L. Location: Ctra. El Jimenado, Km.1 s/n, 30700 Torre Pacheco, Murcia, España Brands: G’s Naturally Fresh; G’s Naturally Fresh Spanish Melons (?);
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lav | Date: Su, 16.08.2020, 02:34 | Message # 199 |
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Almegreen S.L. Location: Ctra. de Nijar, Km. 14, 04131, Retamar, Almería, España Brands: Mediterranean Tomato; Rosabello; San Tomarino (n/c); TomaKuro (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands presented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Tu, 22.09.2020, 16:33 | Message # 200 |
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AMACO aka Concorcio de Exportacion AMACO, S.L. Location: Calle Sierra de Ascoy nº 3 5 B, 30008 Murcia, Murcia, Spain Brands: AMACO Frutas y Hortalizas (logo); AMACO (logo, w-gl);
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lav | Date: Sa, 26.09.2020, 23:16 | Message # 202 |
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El Ciruelo aka Grupo El Ciruelo aka El Ciruelo Group aka Agro Ciruelo S.L. Location: Calle Tomas Moro, nº4, Ctra. Alhama-Cartagena, Km 2.5, 30840 Alhama, Murcia, Spain Brands: El Ciruelo (logo I); El Ciruelo (logo II); El Ciruelo (word); El Ciruelo (fig);
 . . . Re: info found on website of El Ciruelo Group: .
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lav | Date: Tu, 29.09.2020, 00:46 | Message # 203 |
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ACOPAEX, Agrupacion de Cooperativas Agrarias de Extremadura Location: Paseo de los Rosales, 43, 06800 Mérida, Badajoz, España Brand: Acopaex (logo); Acopaex (pic);
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lav | Date: Tu, 06.10.2020, 00:46 | Message # 204 |
Group: Администраторы
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lav | Date: Th, 08.10.2020, 22:30 | Message # 205 |
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La Fast S.A.T. Location: Lugar Armeñime, 6A, 38678, Santa Cruz deTenerife, Tenerife, Canary Islands, España Brands: Fast (logo); Fast (logo & flag); Fast (word); Tenerife Bluetrail;
 . . .
Re1: citation from a historical assay on the company's website: “…Este domingo, 1 de diciembre, se cumplieron 105 años desde que propietarios y arrendatarios de fincas plataneras de Tenerife decidieran unirse para defender los intereses canarios frente al monopolio británico en la producción y exportación de plátanos. Así nació el Sindicato Agrícola del Norte de Tenerife, una asociación que acabaría siendo lo que hoy es la Sociedad Agraria de Transformación FAST…” . “…This Sunday, December 1, [2019], it was 105 years since the owners and tenants of banana farms in Tenerife decided to unite to defend Canarian interests against the British monopoly in the production and export of bananas. Thus was born the Agricultural Union of the North of Tenerife, an association that would end up being what today is the Agricultural Processing Society FAST…” . «… В это воскресенье, 1 декабря, [2019], исполнилось 105 лет с тех пор, как владельцы и арендаторы банановых ферм на Тенерифе [крупнейший из 7 Канарских островов] решили объединиться, чтобы защитить интересы Канарских островов от британской монополии на производство и экспорт бананов. Так родился Сельскохозяйственный союз Северного Тенерифе, который в конечном итоге превратился в то, что сегодня является Обществом по переработке сельхозпродукции FAST..." . Re2: on the second left label the FAST logo is applied to the color background of the flag of the Autonomous Community of Canary Islands. . Re3: company FAST was being a sponsor of “Tenerife Bluetrail” among others well known companies: .

. Re4: citation from website “…Tenerife Bluetrail is a trail running event that offers five modalities with different characteristics for people with or without disabilities, designed so that mountaineers and athletes with different levels of experience and physical fitness can participate. In this way, Tenerife Bluetrail pursues a clear objective of integration: TRAIL RUNNING FOR ALL…” & citation from wiki: “…Trail running is a sport-activity which combines running, and, where there are steep gradients, hiking, that is run "on any unpaved surface"…” .
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lav | Date: Mo, 12.10.2020, 23:26 | Message # 206 |
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Grupo Agricola Grupac SA Location: Calle Orden De La Merced, 25, 46540 El Puig, Spain Brands: Gamma Grupac (logo); Gamma (b/l); Gamma Grupac (fig); Galar;
 . . . Re: brands of Grupac SA presented on the company website: .
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lav | Date: Tu, 13.10.2020, 00:10 | Message # 207 |
Group: Администраторы
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ALBAFRUITS S. COOP. V.Location: Camino Derramador, s/n 03340 Albatera, Alicante, Spain Brands: Albafruits (logo); G&L Gold (n/c); . . . Re: photo of "G&L Gold" brand presented on the company website: . .
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lav | Date: Th, 25.03.2021, 21:34 | Message # 209 |
Group: Администраторы
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Fruta de Autor SL Location: Carrer Miguel Hernández, 1, 46800 Xativa, Valencia, España Brands: Fruta de Autor (logo); Princesa (url); Roxo (url, n/c); Anna (url);
 . . . Re1: brands of Fruta de Autor company presented on the company website: .
 . Re2: citations from web-source: (Publication date: Fri 8 Jan 2021) . “…Four Spanish production companies have joined forces in a consortium to position themselves in the premium market under the Fruta de Autor brand…” . “…Besides Fruta de Autor, the company also works with other brands of the companies that are part of the group, such as Princesa, Roxo, Foodie watermelon, Melón de Autor or Algitama…” .
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lav | Date: Th, 25.03.2021, 23:58 | Message # 210 |
Group: Администраторы
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Melón de Autor Location: Calle Paseo del Progreso, 34. Olesa de Monserrat, Barcelona, España Brands: Melon de Autor (logo); Le Petit Autor (n/c);
 . . . Re: brands of Melón de Autor presented on the company website: .
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